An Invitation Letter is a document that presents a formal request for the presence of an individual, a group of people or an organization at an event.  An invitation letter may be formal or informal. It could be printed on paper or sent via email.

Invitation letters can be used for a variety of events such as weddings, graduation ceremonies, annual dinners, anniversary parties and birthday parties. They could also be used to invite guest speakers, keynote speakers and workshop facilitators to special meetings and events.

Content of an Invitation Letter

An invitation letter usually contains some information about the host, the date and time of the event, the venue of the event and how to accept the invitation. Invitations are usually sent many days in advance of the event, to give the invitees an opportunity to respond to the invitation.

Types of Invitation Letters

Invitation letters can be divided into two broad groups. Invitation Letters for Visa and Invitation Letter to events. Invitation letters to events can also be divided into two groups – Invitation letters to individuals for a special role in an event and Invitation to individuals to attend an event.

An invitation letter for visa is a letter written to a guest who resides in one country to invite a guest to visit them to in another country. The format for this kind of invitation letter is different from the invitation letter for social events.  If you need to invite a friend from another country to attend your social event, you would need to format the invitation letter in such a way that they can use it for visa application.

These two types of invitation letters can further be divided into personal invitation letters and business invitation letters. A personal invitation letter is written by an individual while a business invitation letter is written by a business.

Before you start writing your invitation letter

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How to use this site.

This website contains different types of invitation letters. We continue to write new letters from time to time. Whenever we get a request for a sample invitation letter that is not on our site, we try to write one as soon as we can. It may take us a few weeks to get to your request, but we will eventually get to it.

It is possible that your deadline would have passed before we put up your request. This is because we do this on a voluntary basis. We appreciate you our readers. Do not hesitate to make your requests. Even when we don’t post it before your deadline, other readers will appreciate it.

Our aim is to inspire you to write your invitation letter better and faster. We have discovered that when a sample is present, it becomes much easier to write your own.

You can take an invitation letter that is similar to your situation and modify it to suit your purpose.

Invitation Letters you will find on our site

We have a few categories of invitation letter on this site. Some are categorized by events, others are categorized by the special individuals that are being invited and others are general articles that can help our readers.

Sample Invitation Letters

Here are some invitation letters written for various events and addressed to a variety of people.


Invitation Letters and responses related to interview

When you want to invite someone to a job interview, you may need to send them an email or a letter. Here is a list of different letters and responses that will be useful. If you are the manager hiring or you are the one looking for a new job, these letters can inspire you as you write yours.

 Other Invitation Emails in the office

Other letters related to Invitation Letters

Your Turn

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